We moved to new location
Effective on January 25, 2019 we changed our business address. From now on, you can find us on the 4th floor of the business building on Partizanska cesta 5 in Maribor. Read more
Effective on January 25, 2019 we changed our business address. From now on, you can find us on the 4th floor of the business building on Partizanska cesta 5 in Maribor. Read more
At the end of March we concluded a partnership with the Swiss company ALSO, one of the leading European distributors of software, which with its offer greatly extends the range of services that we can offer to our customers. The partnership follows our vision of connecting with reliable partners, which enable us to offer you complete solutions with the use of information technologies. In the range of services that we can now offer, we find licenses for service providers such as Microsoft, SkyKick, Acronis, Symantec, and others. From... Read more
You bought a computer for your child.To be educated and acquire new knowledge. At the same time, your computer is also intended for you to browse the web and learn, and “control” over what your child is doing online and which content is of interest to him. Your important task will be to protect him from dangers on the web and to make sure that he will not find bad content with your supervision. But do you know and are absolutely sure of all the traps that users face each day when they click on a link and browse the world... Read more
We work with web technologies practically since our beginnings. We have always invested heavily in our customers’ websites, trying to understand their story and philosophy. Unfortunately, we usually ignored a bit our own piece of the web. In order to change this, we devoted more resources to preparing various interesting content. You may have noticed the first changes on our social channels already, and the next step is a slightly larger change to this site. We refreshed and updated the content, and in the coming weeks we will... Read more